Monday, July 18, 2011

What is boarding school like?

I'm thinking about applying for boarding school, and on their website, it looks really fun and stuff, and in Harry Potter and other boarding school movies it looks so so so fun. Is boarding school really how it is in the websites and the movies? Can you please give a detailed explanation about your daily routine and information like how's the food and how do dorms work and how are the dorms and is the education good and how hard are the sports and how hard do they discipline you (I don't mean like how hard do they hit you lol) is it fun? do you get your own bathroom? and if it matters im trying to apply to the good ones like andover and exeter and stuff not like military school. what kind of things do they let you do and not do? is it hard to have like relationships (i mean like boy girl relationship) is it not so fun to live with someone? are all the people like stubborn and conceited like the slytherin group of harry potter? PLEASE HELP

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